red fluorite smokey quartz
A0014 $300 red fluorite matrix


Mona Mine, El Paso Co. CO Smoky quartz and Red Fluorite*
Large cluster of smokey quartz and fluorite. The red fluorite is incredibly rare, and it really is RED, not pink. You can't find it easily in North America. This is a good investent price for this ultra-hard-to-find specimen that will raise eyebrows. Gemmy quartz crystals and asthetic microclines highlight the red fluorite nicely.
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smoky quartz
A0016 $80 smoky quartz  
Mona Mine, El Paso Co. CO Smoky quartz
Huge intergrown smoky quartz points. Red hematite inclusions underneath give the quartz the red color (which won't wash out). Good points.
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C0021 $100 c0021b  
Lake George, CO Purple fluorite
Very nice purple fluorite on feldspar matrix from Teller Co, CO.
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B0002 $60 Purple Fluorite  
El Paso Co, CO Purple Fluroite
Amazing Purple fluorite from near Specimen and Sentinel rocks. Unusual clarity and rare shape make this piece especially desireable.
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red fluorite
C0023 $180 red fluorite  
Lake George, CO Red fluorite (interpenetrating cubes)
 Colorado Red Fluorite! EXTREMELY RARE in Colorado, this red fluorite from Lake George area has clear inclusions and several intertwined cubes. Almost completely terminated, this specimen is a unique addition to any Colorado mineral collection. *known to only one mine in Colorado. Find it here.
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A0011 $100  


Lake George, CO Smoky quartz, microcline, fluorite
These smokies are incredibly gemmy and very numerous as you can see on this impressive plate from Lake George, CO. There are a few purple fluorites scattered between the smoky quartz crystals and the high quality microcline.
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Amazonite individual/cluster specimen $5-500    
Mona Mine, El Paso Co., CO Amazonite


*We have multiple singles like this. We will give up to a 40% discount when 10 or more individuals are bought (or up to 20% for 5). Please inquire on the wholesale page, minerals featured page, or the information page.




C0022 $60 c0022b  
Lake George, CO Purple fluorite cluster
Several purple (very clear), interpenetrating fluorites . Very good condition. Specimen absolutely glows in the light.
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smoky quartz, amazonite
C0027 $120    
Mona Mine, El Paso Co., CO Smoky quartz, amazonite, cleavelandite
A very aesthetic combination of three minerals. The smoky quartz is gem quality and the amazonite is glossy, deep, and fully terminated. The cleavlelandite is well formed and adds a great contrast of color this specimen. One repair (smoky reattached).
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smoky quartz, amazonite, cleavelandite
C0028 $100    
Mona Mine, El Paso Co., CO Smoky quartz, amazonite, cleavelandite
Great combination of smoky quartz, amazonite, cleavelandite on matrix. This specimen is unrepaired and in great condition.
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Individually Priced Minerals - also available wholesale

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**Item Number Price Description***Dimensions in inches